He won 300 graces on soulstakes, some of them fade
No jambon superior stabbed him, no spades, no fake
But only did minors left some traces like sade
In his fraternal heart spread aces, acres by acres

But tomatoes hated his serenity
This, a double reality,
A pop art related red blanket thingy

Dont lasso tool me from my environnement
Dont sepia the tears from my face
Do improvise on me

But not before an audition

Space era tradition:
We welcome globalization
No way, it's falsification;
Heart's not global petit chignon
Its opal...It's addiction...

He stole heads from the corpse

The corpse had naturally as many heads as possible
He was a stalker

A soul stalker if youd like to call him
He did a big mistake

A soul mistake
He said a big lie

Tripped so high
At last he joined Lullaby
With a major L

With all the jambon superior

It was a soul lie

Its all over

Olay nedir biliyor musun? Bu bolu dagi kendin pisir kendin ye mekanlarini bulmak icin ben 19 yasima gelmedim 6 yasimdayken de babamlar gotururdu kendimiz pisirir kendimiz yerdik. Olay ne biliyor musun? Gul patlasin cal oynasin olmak icin uyusturuculara ihtiyac duymadim sadece salyami kurutsun diye sigara ictim oysa ki en buyuk vurusturucu senmissin, uyustururmussun da. Ha-h. Peki ya savusturucu? Herkese metric - rock me

on ya da tercihen metric - the twist

Dada bir seyler yapilsa olur mu? Odev yazmakta ve emir vermekte sorunum var daha cok fikir veriyorum ben siir yazilsin, anlamsiz olsun, ayrilik olsun. Olmasa da olur, o zaman da ilham gelmedi der geceri§!

Who is he? (Circumstantial) (oh)
Why would I (do)
Hitch a ride? (the)
I can drive. (twist)
Who is she? (Circumstantial) (oh)
Why would I (do)
Hitch a ride? (the)
When I can drive. (twist)

1 makbule:

  1. casdechute dedi ki...

    surreel deil sureel yalniz hahahah  


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