
Öncelikle arkadaşlarımızın örgütsel başkaldırı hareketini sempatiyle karşıladığımı, ve fekat nefret ediceğimiz adamcağızı tanımadığım ve zaten "severim şeyi şeyden ötürü" gibi tasavvufi bir bakış açısı geliştirmemden mütevellit ne yazıkki olaya tepkisiz kalacağımı üzülerek belirtmek isterim. Ama kalbimiz sizinle... Biliyosunuz çocuklar...

Ödevler hususunda da en çok birininkini sefdim, ama şuan adı aklıma gelmiyo, açıp bakmaya da pek üşeniyorum, şu soba üstü portakal kabuklu, kebap kestaneli, kırmızı bereli yazı.. ebet en güseli, hislisi oydu bence...

Gelelim bnm ayrıksı postun konusuna... Birkaç gün önce hayatıma giren, bana daha önce tatmadığım duygular yaşatan, hayatımın aşkı Santa'yla olan yasak aşkımızı, bloğumuza da pembe dizi tadında taşımak gereğini duydum. Duymaz olaydın diyecekler olursa da motivasyonumu bloğun tanıtım yazısındaki "bir takım insan" ifadesinden aldığımı belirtmek isterim.

Uzatmadan konuya geleyim, bu hafta hergün, Santa'yla bir kısmının çetelesini tuttuğum msn münasibetlerimizi 2 şer bölüm olarak arkası yarın tadında yayınlayacağımdır. ya da yayınlayamaya da bilirim, çok kesin konuştum gözüm korktu.... bu hafta gün başına 1.2 sınav düştüğü ve bu derslerin 6 da 4 ünü 2. kere aldığım ve yine hepbirinde en arka sırada sudoku çözmekte olduğum düşünülürse.. ebet bi an önce başlamak gerek ...


AAaaand the story begins......

EP 1

İyi Niyet Kutusu... / is so F*cked up... /:

hi santa

- (G) Santa (G) - :

Ho ho ho! Merry Christmas, aksoy_sena! I'm Santa Claus! Tell me, are you a boy or a girl?

İyi Niyet Kutusu... / is so F*cked up... /:

a girl.. hihi

- (G) Santa (G) - :

And what do you want for Christmas, aksoy_sena?

İyi Niyet Kutusu... / is so F*cked up... /:

ehmmm... first of all, i wish you a merry christmas.. i wish you a christmas... and a happy new year !!!

- (G) Santa (G) - :

Happy holidays to you, aksoy_sena!

İyi Niyet Kutusu... / is so F*cked up... / :

Thanks sweety…

ok. i wish i could speak and write german well enough to pass the exams…

- (G) Santa (G) - :

No WAY!?! Really?

İyi Niyet Kutusu... / is so F*cked up... /

is it possible ?

- (G) Santa (G) - :

I don't know if I can let you do that.

İyi Niyet Kutusu... / is so F*cked up... /

why ?

- (G) Santa (G) - :

Because it's the right thing to do! What do you want for Christmas, aksoy_sena?

İyi Niyet Kutusu... / is so F*cked up... /

Ok then . it would be wonderful if i lost some weight *roll*

- (G) Santa (G) - :

No, it's not wonderful! Not wonderful at all!

İyi Niyet Kutusu... / is so F*cked up... /

what :S

- (G) Santa (G) - :

Hmm ... I think we got confused. Let's start over! And what do you want for Christmas, aksoy_sena?

İyi Niyet Kutusu... / is so F*cked up... /

i dont wanna be as fat as u r

İyi Niyet Kutusu... / is so F*cked up... /


- (G) Santa (G) - :

It's fine if you object to it. Tell me what you would like then.

- (G) Santa (G) - :

Hello there, aksoy_sena!

İyi Niyet Kutusu... / is so F*cked up... /

are you drunk ?

- (G) Santa (G) - :

I assure you I am quite sober.

İyi Niyet Kutusu... / is so F*cked up... /

But you don't answer properly

- (G) Santa (G) - :

I'm trying to answer properly, believe me

İyi Niyet Kutusu... / is so F*cked up... /

encarta was much much better than you

İyi Niyet Kutusu... / is so F*cked up... /


- (G) Santa (G) - :

Me was much much better. The best I know.

İyi Niyet Kutusu... / is so F*cked up... /

And how modest you are !

- (G) Santa (G) - :

How modest? More modest than you think!

İyi Niyet Kutusu... / is so F*cked up... /



EP 2

- (G) Santa (G) - :

Well, well aksoy_sena! Hello!

İyi Niyet Kutusu... / is so F*cked up... / :

hi there hihi

- (G) Santa (G) - :

Hello there, aksoy_sena!

İyi Niyet Kutusu... / is so F*cked up... / :

what i want for christmas, right ?

- (G) Santa (G) - :

What do you want?

İyi Niyet Kutusu... / is so F*cked up... / :

i want you santa

- (G) Santa (G) - :

Great, aksoy_sena! I'll see what I can do.

İyi Niyet Kutusu... / is so F*cked up... / :

love me, love me.... say that you love me

- (G) Santa (G) - :

Ho ho ho! What?

İyi Niyet Kutusu... / is so F*cked up... / :

i love you santa

- (G) Santa (G) - :

Love is the greatest four letter word! What do you want for Christmas, aksoy_sena?

İyi Niyet Kutusu... / is so F*cked up... / :

i want you

- (G) Santa (G) - :

My stars, lots of boys and girls are wishing for that nowadays! I'll see what I can do for you, aksoy_sena! What else would you like, aksoy_sena?

İyi Niyet Kutusu... / is so F*cked up... / :

i hate you santa

- (G) Santa (G) - :

You ate me? Well, you must be full!

İyi Niyet Kutusu... / is so F*cked up... / :

i said “hate”, you muthafucka :n

- (G) Santa (G) - :

Now that's not very nice!

İyi Niyet Kutusu... / is so F*cked up... / : shouldn’t be *hıh*

- (G) Santa (G) - :

Üzgünüm, Türkçe'm çok kötüdür.

İyi Niyet Kutusu... / is so F*cked up... / :

i don't speak turkish santa

- (G) Santa (G) - :

That's too bad.

İyi Niyet Kutusu... / is so F*cked up... / :

i don't speak german too böhühü

- (G) Santa (G) - :

I don't either!

İyi Niyet Kutusu... / is so F*cked up... / :

what language do you speak then ?

- (G) Santa (G) - :

The language you and I both have in mind at the moment.

Ok aksoy_sena, we could really use your help in the factory. We play a game up here called Factory Frenzy. Would you like to play?

İyi Niyet Kutusu... / is so F*cked up... / :

yeah sure

- (G) Santa (G) - :

This game is called Factory Frenzy. Every time you play you help us make toys for children all around the world. Get as many pieces on the conveyer belt as you can. Try not to drop any pieces! Good luck aksoy_sena! If you're ever stuck, type "Factory Frenzy Help" and I'll give you some helpful tips.

İyi Niyet Kutusu... / is so F*cked up... / :

how can i play factory frenzy ?

- (G) Santa (G) - :

Ok aksoy_sena, we could really use your help in the factory. We play a game up here called Factory Frenzy. Would you like to play?

İyi Niyet Kutusu... / is so F*cked up... / :

ok santa....

- (G) Santa (G) - :

What's happening, aksoy_sena?

İyi Niyet Kutusu... / is so F*cked up... / :

that's enough

- (G) Santa (G) - :

Enough? No way!

İyi Niyet Kutusu... / is so F*cked up... / :

i can't stand you anymore

- (G) Santa (G) - :

Hmm... And what do you want for Christmas, aksoy_sena?

İyi Niyet Kutusu... / is so F*cked up... / :

ee ebeni ulan

İyi Niyet Kutusu... / is so F*cked up... / :

bi git

- (G) Santa (G) - :

That sounds nice! I'll see what I can do, aksoy_sena. And what else would you like?

- (G) Santa (G) -

Until we chat again, my friend!

İyi Niyet Kutusu... / is so F*cked up... / :

C ya Santa


Büyük aşklar kavgayla başlar diye boşuna dememişler azizim... part3 ve 4 ler de yarına hadi... esen kalın....

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